Friday, April 8, 2011

Pay Freeze

There has been a lot of talk about the Government spending freeze and how the Military will not get paid until the budget is finished. This is all true to a point, I am also in the Military so it affects me directly. I do not like it one bit. However, this country is spending it's way into a depression and someone has to stand up to our spending deficit. I have been preaching fiscal discipline, so even though i may not like what is happening with my paycheck as the sole provider for my wife and two children, I must practice what I preach and make the sacrifice. Otherwise I am nothing more then a hypocrite. It seems we Americans, Conservatives and Liberals, alike believe in principles until it directly affects us. Well this is probably the first time my beliefs have become inconvenient, but I won't stop believing in my principles just because it will make my life more hard.  I believe the Military is an essential role and the Government should, if anything, increase our Military spending. (all of you anti Military people can just settle down, I already know you disagree so don't bother freaking out about my last sentence. Agree to disagree.) But this is the card I have been dealt and as much as I don't like it I am glad the majority of the people in congress I voted for are not caving on their principles, and have drawn a line in the sand. I fight for a lot more then a paycheck, I fight for a country where my kids have a chance to grow free, and be as successful or as poor as they chose to be. And that will never happen if we keep spending the way we do. It's gut check time.

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